Episode 5: Why research matters
Wider commitment to chaplaincy can often seem fragile. In this episode, we explore the value of research and how it helps tell the story of chaplaincy.
Episode 4: Lifelong learning for chaplaincy
For chaplains to fulfil their calling, they need to be equipped to serve well. In this episode, we explore the need for lifelong learning and the development opportunities available to chaplains.
Episode 3: Chaplaincy vs The Church?
Is chaplaincy really a place for those who have sold out, can't hack church ministry and don't believe in mission? Or should chaplaincy be embraced as part of the mission of God?
Episode 2: Behind every chaplain is a story
All sorts of people are called to chaplaincy. Discover some of their stories and inspiration as the team delves into the joys and challenges of chaplaincy.
Episode 1: Honouring Chaplaincy
Chaplaincy values people. Join Helen Cameron and the team as they discuss the importance of honouring chaplaincy in the life of the church.