Meet the Team

Sarah Lane Cawte

Sarah Lane Cawte is Education Officer for the Free Churches Group. She continues to learn a lot about chaplaincy from her colleagues, Bob and Mark,  and from the Higher Education chaplains she meets, and particularly enjoys asking lots of questions!

Mark Newitt

Mark Newitt is the Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy at the Free Churches Group. Developing from his doctoral studies he has a continuing interest in both the role of ritual in the work of chaplaincy and what a virtue-based approach to chaplaincy has to offer the profession.

Bob Wilson

Bob Wilson is the Free Churches Faith Advisor to HMPPS. Bob is responsible for the support and endorsement of Prison Chaplains including teaching on Master’s courses. Bob is currently the Chair of the Prisons Week Committee, and trustee of The Welcome Directory, a charity seeking to help faith communities become even better at welcoming people who leave prison.

Gary Hopkins
Website Editor

Gary Hopkins is ministry development officer for chaplaincy in the Methodist Church. He is particularly passionate about chaplaincy’s role in the mission of God and how chaplains can help the wider church understand what it means to be justice-seeking and inclusive.

Sarah Lane Cawte

Sarah Lane Cawte is Education Officer for the Free Churches Group. She continues to learn a lot about chaplaincy from her colleagues, Bob and Mark,  and from the Higher Education chaplains she meets, and particularly enjoys asking lots of questions!

Mark Newitt

Mark Newitt is the Secretary for Healthcare Chaplaincy at the Free Churches Group. Developing from his doctoral studies he has a continuing interest in both the role of ritual in the work of chaplaincy and what a virtue-based approach to chaplaincy has to offer the profession.

Bob Wilson

Bob Wilson is the Free Churches Faith Advisor to HMPPS. Bob is responsible for the support and endorsement of Prison Chaplains including teaching on Master’s courses. Bob is currently the Chair of the Prisons Week Committee, and trustee of The Welcome Directory, a charity seeking to help faith communities become even better at welcoming people who leave prison.

Gary Hopkins
Podcast/Website Editor

Gary Hopkins is ministry development officer for chaplaincy in the Methodist Church. He is particularly passionate about chaplaincy’s role in the mission of God and how chaplains can help the wider church understand its justice-seeking, inclusive calling in the wider world.